Saturday, May 28, 2011

Life as we know it!

Lately Mike and I have started thinking of all the things that will be changing in our lives in the next 6 months. Therefore we've been sleeping in extra long and taking naps at noon on the weekends, just because we can. We are going out to eat for most meals on the weekends while we don't have to prep a diaper bag, coordinate around feedings and worry about any infant outbursts that may happen during dinner. I only make 3 dinners per week after work but in the coming years I'm sure leftovers won't cut it on the other days for a kiddo. At this point in my life I do laundry once every 4-5 weeks (seriously). That'll have to change once spit-up, blowouts, etc arrive in our daily lives. Mike has graciously offered to do the baby laundry for us but I can't put that all on him, although he does do laundry every 3 days so it would make sense for him to take it over. ;) We currently don't combine our laundry for many reasons. I run all kinds of random errands on a whim while I don't have to lug in a heavy baby carrier and pray he/she stays asleep while I rush through the store. I'm a little worried about the whole baby carrier thing considering my arm strength is nothing short of lousy.  I try my best to plan ahead and only go to Target once every other month and the grocery store once every two weeks. I have a feeling I'll be frequenting those places much more once I'm a mom.  We are going to the movies as much as possible (even on week nights) before our nights are packed with dinners, baths, laundry, feedings and going to bed early. I'm not trying to be negative but rather realistic because one thing is for sure, life as we know it is going to change... dramatically!

The reality is that we'll still nap sometimes when the baby is sleeping, we'll laugh when the loud infant outbursts at restaurants/stores happen (and they will), the laundry will get done eventually, my arm muscles will adjust as needed, I will embrace more trips to Target/grocery store and we'll still go see movies on date nights. I'm sure it won't be as overwhelming as I think it will be but one of my theories in life is to prepare for the worst so you are pleasantly surprised in the end. It won't be that hectic, right?? I know a lot of it is your frame of mind as a parent and if you're flexible/laid back than your baby will feed off of that energy and go with the flow more often than not (positive thinking). I'm sure the first few months will be rocky but we'll get into a groove soon enough. No matter what, it will all be worth it to me.

Although becoming parents is going to be a change beyond what we can prepare for mentally or physically, we both feel really blessed to have lived the "single life" for the last 10+ years to the fullest. We've graduated college, built stable careers, owned our own homes, traveled many places, made many memories with great friends and spent lots of quality time with our families. We are more than ready for the next phase in our life but yet we're trying to cherish these last few months as just Mike and Jill.

I went out and bought maternity clothes this past week. Why so early you ask? pants officially won't button (comfortably) any longer. I read recently that you are supposed to gain between 1-5 pounds during your first trimester. Although I technically gained 4 pounds total, it doesn't feel like it! I tried the whole rubber band trick for a couple of weeks but it wasn't cutting it once I sat down. The maternity jeans I bought are so comfy that I'm tempted to wear them now. I'm not sure when I'm supposed to make the transition into maternity pants but I'm thinking there is no better time than now.  Thanks to LeAnn, Raina, Kari, Brooke and Laura for lending me some of their maternity clothes. I appreciate it! I've quickly realized that fashion will not be a priority for the remaining months of my pregnancy. I'm all about comfort baby!

13 weeks
Boone is excited about the baby!

14 weeks

Thursday, May 19, 2011

13 weeks and counting...

So I am officially on the last week of my first trimester with 27 weeks left to go! It's hard to believe that the beginning of my second trimester is just around the corner. Time went by so slow the first few weeks but it's starting to pick-up now.  Maybe it's because my to-do list keeps growing and the time frame I have left to do it in keeps shrinking. I know it'll all get done eventually. I've been focusing on house projects that need to be done such as; yard re-mulched, flowers planted, wedding album made, etc. I'm trying to get all the daunting stuff (like organizing night stand drawers or cleaning out the closet) done now so I can focus on the nursery and such once the 20 week mark hits.

I was talking to LeAnn today about how the reality of being a parent has just begun to hit me this week. Being a mother has been one of my main goals in life ever since I can remember AND it's also the most important thing I will ever do (scary!) so I don't want to take the responsibility lightly.

Renee recently gave me the first of many journals to read that she kept from the time she became our mother until now. It highlights the good, the bad and the ugly of parenthood. Let's just say that reading it is probably what made the reality of this whole thing fall on me this week. I'm not as worried about the newborn/toddler stage as I am the adolescent/teen/college years when you "lose" your child temporarily. I think that's more with girls rather than boys (from what I hear) but nonetheless it didn't sound like a fun time in my parents' lives. I had no idea the emotional turmoil I put them through.  I was so oblivious to it (selfish). I think I'm leaning towards hoping for a boy this week. ;)

Question: Where do you find the balance of being someone your child can come to with anything and yet still be an authoritative parent? My parents both found that sweet spot with us and I want to know how to get there. After talking to my friend Kelli at work today I was reminded that so much of who your child is going to be in the end is out of your control.  All you can do is be the best parent you can be (which doesn't mean perfection) and hope that some of what you have instilled in them will stick.

I think the most important thing that my parents did and still do is lead by example. I know without a doubt that I learned more by watching what my parents DID versus what they told me to do. Hmmmm?

My dad often says, "Life is simple-don't make it complicated." Maybe this whole raising a child thing is simple too and I'm just over thinking it! I feel better already.

What I've learned so far about being a parent:
-As a mom you won't ever have enough time to do everything or be everything so as soon as you accept that reality, the better off you'll be. (Teacher=LeAnn)
-Be the kind of mom that works for YOU and just bring your kids along for the ride. (Teacher=Kelli)
-You will sacrifice on a daily basis for your child but it's all worth it. (Teacher=Kari)

Friday, May 13, 2011

12 Week Appointment

We went to our 12 week appointment this morning and everything went great! We were able to hear the little peanut's heartbeat. It was at 168bpm, which is apparently high but normal for this early in the pregnancy. We also heard him/her "kick" and "punch" a few times, according to the doctor. It was pretty dang cool. I could listen to his/her movements all day. It's so crazy that I can't feel a thing although it's obviously moving around in there.

Our next 16 week appointment is on June 9th.  At that point we'll make an ultrasound appointment for between 18-20 weeks to find out the sex. So I guess at the end of June/beginning of July we will know! We both want to find out so we're already counting down the days until that's possible.  I feel pretty strongly that it's a girl. I have from the beginning. I am breaking out badly and craving sweets, which I hear are signs of a girl. On the other hand, I am pretty chill emotionally (so far) and I haven't really been sick much, which are supposedly signs of a boy.  Who knows?!?! I'm also craving Mexican food like no other.
Our first picture as a couple since we found out we were prego at Rudy's Mexican restaurant:
We took a IntelliGender test yesterday morning.  It's basically a pee test that indicates boy if your pee turns green and girl if it turns orange when mixed with these crystal like substances in a plastic bottle. As you can see below, mine was so dark green it was almost looked black.  So the result was boy! It made me think of all the wonderful things about having a boy.  It just confirmed for me that I really truly honestly don't care what sex it is....I just want a healthy baby. It was a fun little exercise.
Gender Test
We have already decided for sure on a girl name- Micah Janee (in honor of my two moms-half Janet/half Renee).  We have literally talked about Micah since we started dating 7+ years ago so it's a must because of it's history.  Right now the front runner for the boy is Cade David (after his dad/brother). That one could always change as we get closer but we already refer to him as "Cader Tater" or "Tater" for short. You know how I love my nicknames!


Monday, May 9, 2011

We're having a baby!

Mike and I are happy to be starting a new chapter of our lives! We found out just under a month after our wedding that we are expecting a baby. We couldn't be more thrilled that our honeymoon was a successful one and that our unexpected souvenir will be bringing us a lifetime of adventures!

Little did I know that some afternoon delight and an amazing dinner at Mama's Fish House in Maui would quite possibly make me a "mama" myself.

Us at Mama's Fish House on March 3rd, 2011
This blog is meant to document the details of our pregnancy and all the wonderful memories to follow. We want our little one to someday read about just how excited we were for his/her arrival and more.

I am 11.5 weeks! Our bundle is due to arrive on Thanksgiving Day, which is November 24th this year.  I've only had two days of sickness so far and the only consistent symptom I'm experiencing is tailbone pain. Weird I know... but true. It feels like my tailbone is bruised and/or broken.  Somedays are worse than others. No matter what, it's all worth it! I'll endure whatever I need to for our mini-us. Another pregnancy side effect = my boobs growing at a rapid rate. I love it! Big boobies-yes please!

The actual test I took at 6:30am (I was getting up to potty-which I never used to do) on the morning of Friday, March 25th.
Who knew two lines could mean so much?
8 week ultrasound

8 week close-up
 My belly is swollen but I'm not sure if it's just my pooch or a baby bump. We'll pretend it's the latter. :)