Saturday, August 20, 2011

26 Week Happenings

 Mike finally got to meet my favorite doc, Dr. Spell, at our 25 week check-up last week! It was great to see her and catch-up. I just love her energy and she's truly a calming force. She looked at everything and it all checked out fine. Micah's heart rate and my weight gain are normal. She said my belly was measuring a little small but that's probably because she was laying breach across my belly as opposed to all curled up. Dr. Spell also informed us that my placenta is on the outside of my belly versus behind the baby. This is determined by where the egg decides to implant in the uterus. The risk to this fact is that my placenta is more exposed and so the threat of it being hit or bumped is greater. She told me to steer clear of car wrecks, intense exercise (no prob), falling down and any other activities that may affect my stomach area. I guess if the placenta is damaged then the pregnancy fails because it's the life line to everything. Kinda scary but I'm not too worried about it. Apparently I won't be able to feel Micah kick as strongly due to the placenta placement. It's like having a pillow over her so all her movements are muffled in the middle of my belly. Dr. Spell said that I would still be able to feel her on the top, sides and underneath though.  I always have the best luck feeling her on my sides so far. Renee was able to feel her last night for the first time. It was a special Nannie moment. :)

I signed up for a prenatal yoga class last week. I thought it would be good to take some time out to relax my brain and also stretch a little again. I have to admit that I get a little nervous during class that I may pass gas or something embarrassing while we're in complete silence holding our warrior pose or transitioning to a down dog. It's become increasing harder to hold in the toots lately. I make myself feel better by remembering that the other 4 women in the class are probably all experiencing the same issue so there's no need to fret. Regardless, it wouldn't be an ideal experience. My sis started a Pilates ImX class a few weeks ago and I plan to join her a few months after Micah is here. It's supposed to really whip your bootie into shape and I have a feeling I'll need it when it's all said and done. Judging by how sore my sister is, I think it's safe to say it's not going to be easy! No pain no gain!

Mike and I are counting down the days until we get to see Micah's face on the 3D ultrasound screen this Friday. I'm SO excited for the whole experience. I've been with my friends before and it's so unreal! I only have a 4 day work week this week because I decided I wouldn't want to go to work after the ultrasound at 10am. I'm planning on drinking some caffeine or eating some chocolate that morning so she's moving and grooving for us! I'll post the best pics of the bunch on here next weekend.

The PUPPPS rash has come back but the itch isn't as intense this time. I can still get through the day without any meds or reapplying oatmeal lotion so that's good. In the morning and at night are when the itch attacks so poor Mike has walked in to our room on multiple occasions as I'm sprawled out across the bed in my birthday suit letting the fan blow on me and itching myself vigorously. He just laughs. I don't find it quite as amusing.  

I have the sugar test at my 28 week appointment coming up. I'm crossing my fingers that I won't have gestational diabetes. I still want to be able to eat freely for the next 14 weeks! Ahhhh...only 14 weeks left!

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