WARNING - A gaggy, mushy, "you have to be kidding me" post is about to explode from my heart onto this blog. Read at your own risk. I would say it's a pregnancy side effect but I really do feel all of these things on a regular basis and just felt the need to express them.
When I woke up this morning I felt compelled to dedicate a post to my lovely hubby. I want him to know just how much I appreciate ALL that he has been doing for me emotionally and physically during our pregnancy. I've always known that he would be so good to me during this time in our lives because he's simply a good person but I want him to know that there is literally not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for blessing me with a partner as wonderful as he.
At the risk of exposing just how lazy I am right now, I'd like to list all of the things that I notice him doing all on his own and without complaint so I remember just how good I had it:
-Having dinner on the table on the week nights when I come home from work (I do the shopping/meal planning and he does the cooking...that counts for something, right?) :)
-Cleaning up the kitchen and doing all the dishes afterwards (even though he cooked).
-Emptying the dishwasher multiple times a week.
-Playing with and/or walking our dog every night (yet another good dad sign).
-Getting up at 5:00am to take our dog outside when he starts whining every morning.
-Picking up the smelly dog poop in the yard every Tuesday before the trash man comes.
-Gathering all the trash in the house and setting it out on the curb (along with the recycle tub) every week.
-Putting up with my constant budgeting, savings and financial planning conversations.
-Getting things for me once I've already sat down and don't feel like getting back up (drink, napkin, etc).
-Encouraging me to express my emotion and to release my stress to him in such an incredibly selfless way.
-Feeling deep compassion for me when the rash flares up and loving me extra on those weeks.
-Trusting me completely with the life of our child and never questioning a decision I've made thus far.
-Coming with me to every single doctor's appointment just so he can hear Micah's heart beat.
-Patiently watching my "reality shows" with me until I get tired and he can turn it to Sports Center.
-Being understanding about my increasingly intense nesting to-do lists and helping in any way he can.
-Consisting telling me how cute he thinks I am and how I don't even look pregnant until you see my belly.
-Watering my beloved potted plants (there are many) every day, sometimes twice a day.
-Bringing me unsolicited breakfasts in bed just the way I like it (Eggo waffles - light on the syrup, bagel - light on the peanut butter, toaster strudels - light on the icing...all with a half glass of milk to top it off).
-Being just as excited as I am to take a picture of my growing belly every Thursday night.
-Best of all: Lightly tickling me every single night until I fall asleep because he knows I love it so dang much!
Thank you Mikey for just being you. I can never pay you back for all that you have done and are to me on a daily basis. I try and show you every chance I can just how much I appreciate it. I hope that you feel my immense gratitude every day.
I've never loved anyone the way that I love you.
I love you more than cinnamon rolls - Jilly
That is so sweet, Jill. Mike will appreciate that you appreciate him so much:)