Friday, May 13, 2011

12 Week Appointment

We went to our 12 week appointment this morning and everything went great! We were able to hear the little peanut's heartbeat. It was at 168bpm, which is apparently high but normal for this early in the pregnancy. We also heard him/her "kick" and "punch" a few times, according to the doctor. It was pretty dang cool. I could listen to his/her movements all day. It's so crazy that I can't feel a thing although it's obviously moving around in there.

Our next 16 week appointment is on June 9th.  At that point we'll make an ultrasound appointment for between 18-20 weeks to find out the sex. So I guess at the end of June/beginning of July we will know! We both want to find out so we're already counting down the days until that's possible.  I feel pretty strongly that it's a girl. I have from the beginning. I am breaking out badly and craving sweets, which I hear are signs of a girl. On the other hand, I am pretty chill emotionally (so far) and I haven't really been sick much, which are supposedly signs of a boy.  Who knows?!?! I'm also craving Mexican food like no other.
Our first picture as a couple since we found out we were prego at Rudy's Mexican restaurant:
We took a IntelliGender test yesterday morning.  It's basically a pee test that indicates boy if your pee turns green and girl if it turns orange when mixed with these crystal like substances in a plastic bottle. As you can see below, mine was so dark green it was almost looked black.  So the result was boy! It made me think of all the wonderful things about having a boy.  It just confirmed for me that I really truly honestly don't care what sex it is....I just want a healthy baby. It was a fun little exercise.
Gender Test
We have already decided for sure on a girl name- Micah Janee (in honor of my two moms-half Janet/half Renee).  We have literally talked about Micah since we started dating 7+ years ago so it's a must because of it's history.  Right now the front runner for the boy is Cade David (after his dad/brother). That one could always change as we get closer but we already refer to him as "Cader Tater" or "Tater" for short. You know how I love my nicknames!



  1. Congrats!!! So excited for you both!

  2. This is so exciting, Jilly! I'm so excited to welcome this sweet bundle of joy into our lives. Love you guys!

  3. How fun will this be?!? I totally wish I would have done this for my babies! Can't wait to hear all the updates!! Love you!
